About the Card Catalog (aka General Index)
Contains 265,220 index records.
Originally an old fashioned card index, this is the library's general index to all the people, names, businesses and places mentioned in records at the Searls Library.
About the Court Cases
Contains 10,717 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to names and cases from the Nevada County district court between 1856 and 1879.
About the Wills
Contains 3,446 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes all the last testaments and wills recorded in 6 large bound volumes of early wills, from the Nevada County District Probate Court dating from 1856. These are filed under Miscellaneous Materials (MM-32-K thru MM-40-K)
About the Drawer Index
Contains 14,689 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index of the names, places and companies mentioned in the large collection of drawer files, folders, government documents, marriage license, deeds
and photos. These had previous been stored and catalogs in drawers at the original Searls Library, the Searls Law Office on Church Street, Nevada City.
About the Mortuary Record Index
Contains 4,494 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to names, places and businesses that are mention in the Mortuary Record Index held at the Doris Foley Library in Nevada City.
About the Photo Index
Contains 39,139 index records.
This is a cross referenced index of 31,000 records to the names, businesses and places mentioned in the historical photos held at the Searls Historical Library. The photos are not available for preview online and need to be viewed at one of the computer workstations at the Searls Historical Library.
About the Searls Law Office Papers
Contains 7,521 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index of names and companies that the Searls family of lawyers (Niles, Fred, and Carrol) represented over the years.
About the Pamphlets
Contains 489 index records.
Part of the Searls Books, Pamphlets and Magazines catalog, this is a catalog of all the pamphlets held at the Searls Historical Library.
About the Nevada City Assessment Books
Contains 74,848 index records.
This is a complete index of the Nevada City assessment books for real and personal property between 1867 and 1957, including owner's name, street, city block and lot, by year, with the corresponding book and page reference. The index does not include details of the property; these are only available in the assessment books themselves at the Searls Historical Library. The location of the city blocks and lots can be found in either this map from 1869 or on this later map updated from 1932. Note: Properties outside of incorporated Nevada City were later recorded in the Nevada County assessment books, which is currently not yet indexed.
About the Articles of Incorporation
Contains 17,153 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index of any company doing business in Nevada County between 1872-1979, including the names of the company's founders or managers. Under MM-01-L, next to the Kitts Deeds Index.
About the Historical Clipping Binders
Contains 15,456 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the series of folders or scrapbooks with newspaper clippings and other articles gathered by members of the historical society over the years.
About the Pamphlets Index
Contains 1,063 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to names, places and businesses that are mention in the large collection of pamphlets held at the Searls Historical Library.
About the Abstracts of Title Index
Contains 19,266 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes any mention of any abstracts of title listed in the card catalog. There is additionally a partial Abstracts of Title (by Year) index which details the year the title search was conducted.
About the Cemetery Records of Nevada County
Contains 4,432 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and burial details in Nevada County. In 3 volumes.
About the 1910 Business Directory for Grass Valley & Nevada City
Contains 265 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from the 1910 Business Directory for Grass Valley & Nevada City.
About the Letterhead Collection
Contains 351 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from the Searls Letterhead Collection.
About the 50 Years of Masonry in California
Contains 385 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from the book "50 Years of Masonry in California".
About the Grass Valley Assessment Books
Contains 85,142 index records.
This is a partial index of the Grass Valley assessment books for real and personal property between 1872 and 1957, including owner's name, street, city block and lot, by year, with the corresponding book and page reference. The index does not include details of the property; these are only available in the assessment books themselves at the Searls Historical Library. The index is still in process and currently includes up to the 1920s. Note: Properties outside of incorporated Grass Valley were later recorded in the Nevada County assessment books, which is currently not yet indexed.
About the CD Box Items
Contains 198 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from various electronic files stored on CDs.
About the Idaho Maryland Mine Records
Contains 7,203 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from various Idaho Maryland Mine records. This collection also includes the index to the employee names mentioned in personnel files of the Idaho Maryland Mine. Due to the private nature of these records, access to these records is restricted, but available on a limited basis to family members and specific pre-approved research.
About the The French of Malakoff Diggins
Contains 1,149 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from the book Index to The French of Malakoff Diggins.
About the Death Records
Contains 7,536 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from various Index to county death records.
About the Nevada County Militia
Contains 0 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names from Nevada County Militia, listed in the 1862 Nevada County Assessment Book.
About the Ott Family Files
Contains 0 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names in the Ott Family files.
About the Obituaries Index
Contains 47,104 index records.
This index covers names and dates of publication from newspaper obituaries from about 1930 to today. This is an index only, as the Searls Library does not have the actual obituaries. These can possibly be found by searching local newspapers from the Library of Congress (Chronicling America) or from the California Digital Newspaper Collection at UC Riverside.
About the Christine Freeman Directory
Contains 5,947 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the comprehensive directory of mini-biographies researched by local historian, Christine Freeman.
About the Probate Court Index
Contains 16,222 index records.
This index covers names mentioned in records from the Probate Court of Nevada County between 18?? and 19??.
About the Comstock's Lives of NC Pioneers
Contains 3,010 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the comprehensive book of mini-biographies researched by local historian, David Comstock.
About the Lardner & Brock
Contains 511 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in comprehensive local history compendium, "History Of Placer And Nevada Counties, California" by W.B. Lardner and M.J. Brock, published in 1924.
About the You Bet Gold Fever
Contains 1,047 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in local history book "You Bet Gold Fever" by Jerry Brady, published in 1982. See 979.437 BRA.
About the Thompson & West
Contains 1,948 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in comprehensive local history compendium, "History of Nevada County, California" by Harry L. Wells, published in 1880.
About the Historical Society Bulletins
Contains 5,923 index records.
This is an index to the names and places mentioned in over 70 years of historical society quarterly Bulletin newsletters.
About the Searls Maps Index
Contains 100,147 index records.
This is an index to all places, street and road names or any other named feature mentioned in Searls Map collection. This covers hundreds of maps collected since the library was founded, plus digital copies of maps recorded with the County of Nevada.
About the Searls Maps Index (Rolled Maps)
Contains 16,221 index records.
This is an index to all places, street and road names or any other named feature mentioned in rolled maps in the Searls Map collection. This covers many rolled maps collected of Nevada County.
About the Searls Maps Index (Recorders Maps)
Contains 64,677 index records.
This is an index to all places, street and road names or any other named feature mentioned on Nevada County Recorder Maps in Searls Map collection. This covers hundreds of digital maps recorded by the County of Nevada and available for viewing on CD.
About the Searls Maps Index (Flat Maps)
Contains 7,910 index records.
This is an index to all places, street and road names or any other named feature mentioned on flat maps in Searls Map collection. This covers hundreds of flat maps collected since the library was founded, plus digital copies of maps recorded with the County of Nevada.
About the McGuire Maps Index
Contains 48,475 index records.
This is a partial index to every name, street, road of place mentioned on all the local historical maps of the McGuire Collection. Three generations of surveyors and engineers, from the McGuire family business, sold this huge collection of local maps to a company that held the mineral right claims to the Idaho-Maryland Mine. These were then donated to the Searls Library. The index is still in process and is about 40% complete.
About the Miscellaneous Materials Index
Contains 27,078 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes any mention of any miscellaneous materials listed in the card catalog.
About the 1878 Pioneer Reunion Register
Contains 704 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names of Nevada County pioneers mentioned in 1878 Reunion Register. This register was started after a large reunion was held at Ismert's Grove, now Brunswick Basin. But returning pioneers were encouraged to sign the register for many years afterwards whenever they were visiting their old home town. These are filed under Miscellaneous Materials (MM-1-K)
About the Books, Pamphlets & Magazines
Contains 3,347 index records.
This is a catalog of all the books, pamphlets (marked PH) and magazine, journals and periodicals held at the Searls Historical Library. These are mostly published materials, but also include important large items such as the Nevada County portion of California State Census of 1852 and an index to California returns from the 1850 US Census. Books are arranged using the Dewey Decimal system, thanks to Ed Tyson, who was previously the librarian for San Jose State University.
About the Nevada City Poll List (1868)
Contains 1,348 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names mentioned in Nevada City Poll List from November 3, 1868.
About the Mount Saint Mary's Records
Contains 19,245 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names of mentioned in various documents and records from Mount Saint Mary's Convent and Academy between 1863 and 1932. It was located on South Church Street in Grass Valley.
About the Nevada County Mining Review
Contains 651 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in Nevada County Mining Review from 1895. See Book, under 622.
About the Brown & Dallison
Contains 919 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in local history business directory, Brown & Dallison's Directory of Nevada, Grass Valley and Rough and Ready, published in 1856. This directory, includes the well-known "Sketch of Nevada County" written by Aaron A. Sargent.
About the Nevada County Directory (1871-72)
Contains 1,059 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this is the index to names, places and businesses that are mention in the Nevada County Directory from 1871-72.
About the 1861 Directory of Nevada City and Grass Valley
Contains 688 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and business mentioned in the 128 page "Directory of the City of Nevada and Grass Valley" of 1861 by Hugh B. Thompson, published in San Francisco by Charles F. Robbins.
About the 1865 Directory Grass Valley
Contains 180 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and business mentioned in the 136 page "Directory of Grass Valley Township for 1865" by William S. Byrne, published in San Francisco by C.F. Robbins.
About the Marysville Directory 1878
Contains 1,579 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this is the index to names, places and businesses that are mention in the Marysville Directory published 1878 by Lockwood & Dawson.
About the Miscellaneous Materials
Contains 1,772 index records.
This is a catalog of books and materials in the miscellaneous materials at the Searls Library. These are mostly original materials in bound books, including business ledgers, diaries, corporate minutes. They were originally numbered and organized by Ed Tyson on high shelves, around the room at the old Searls Law Office building on Church Street, in sections A, B, C, D, etc. They are labeled as MM-xx-y, where xx is the number of the item within that section and y is the section letter. The section letter, then the number, corresponds to the order of the items within the MM items.
About the The Quill & Nevada City High School
Contains 8,413 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to names, students and staff of the Nevada City High School year books, between 1904 and 1952, including local businesses advertised.
About the Separate Property of Married Women
Contains 130 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies cataloged for Separate Property of Married Women mentioned in Miscellaneous Materials item MM-09-L.
About the DAR Survey 1934
Contains 182 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies mentioned a survey by the Daughters of the American Revolution from 1934.
About the Stray Leaves & Grass Valley High School
Contains 5,452 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to names, students and staff of the Grass Valley High School year books, between 19?? and 19??, plus local businesses advertising there.
About the Lyle White Notes
Contains 763 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in notes researched by local historian, Lyle White.
About the Hagaman's Chinese Collection File
Contains 177 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names mentioned in Wally Hagaman's collection of Chinese files. These are stored in the Alphabetic Files under "H". Also see Wally Hagaman's collection of books under Books & Biographies (#60).
About the Empire Star Newsletter
Contains 1,309 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies mentioned in the Empire Star Newsletter.
About the Historical Society Bulletin (Extra)
Contains 596 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes any mention of any names in Historical Society Bulletins listed in the card catalog. This is in addition to the Historical Society Bulletin Index which may also include these references.
About the Abstracts of Title (with Year)
Contains 890 index records.
A set of 422 books recording all the land and real estate title searches, prepared by a land title company, Pierce-Bosquit Abstract & Title Company, in Nevada City, for property and land sales from 1905 to 1927. This index has some of the names of previous owners, property locations, land sales and deeds, sheriffs sales, and mortgages. Records marked with "ABS". The main Abstracts of Title index for this is part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index).
About the Idaho Maryland Personnel Files (Old)
Contains 3,719 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the employee names mentioned in personnel files of the Idaho Maryland Mine. Due to the private nature of these records, access to these records is restricted, but available on a limited basis to family members and specific pre-approved research.
About the Great Register of Nevada County (1892)
Contains 9,870 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names of voters mentioned in the voting registration book, the Great Register of Nevada County for 1892. Note: All voting registration data for Nevada County is also available online through Ancestry.com.
About the Great Register of Nevada County (1877)
Contains 169 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names of voters mentioned in the voting registration book, the Great Register of Nevada County for 1877. Note: All voting registration data for Nevada County is also available online through Ancestry.com.
About the A. A. Sargent Collection
Contains 1,431 index records.
This is a significant collection, filling 3 large drawers of original documents and papers regarding local newspaper editor, lawyer, District Attorney, Congressman, US Senator and Ambassador, Aaron Sargent and his wife Ellen Clark Sargent, who was a prominent suffragist and friend of Susan B. Anthony.
About the California Gold Camps
Contains 458 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the place names in California from "California Gold Camps" by Erwin G. Gudde published in April 2009. See 979.4 GUD
About the California State Census 1852 (Nevada County)
Contains 6,654 index records.
Transcribed records from the 1852 state census. Partial records due to water damage.
About the Fictitious Business Names
Contains 2,106 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names, places and companies mentioned in Fictitious Business Names directory. See under File "F".
About the Photo (Extra)
Contains 35 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes additional names of people in photos, that reference the main Photo Index.
About the Phonebook Names Index
Contains 0 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from various phone books.
About the Alphabetic Files
Contains 12,405 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to names, places and businesses that are mention in the large collection of file, filed in alphabetic order. These files include the substantial collection of legal papers and correspondence between the Searls family of lawyers and their clients.
About the News Notes
Contains 2,127 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the series of news notes from newspaper and other articles gathered by members of the historical society over the years.
About the Mine & Water Company Files
Contains 6,005 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from selected gold mining companies and ditch water company files. These can be found in the Alphabetic Files, listed by the company name.
About the Workroom Files
Contains 195 index records.
These are index records to name and business mentioned in files that are stored in the Searls Library Workroom. These may or may not be available for access to members of the public, depending on the types of records.
About the Box & File References
Contains 1,686 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to the names and companies from various box files. These are now mostly filed in the Alphabetic files.
About the Other Records
Contains 0 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this includes the index to all the records that are not marked as part of a particular set of records.
About the Local Newspaper Mentions
Contains 9,202 index records.
Part of the Card Catalog (aka General Index), this is the index to names, places and businesses that are mention in various local newspapers over the decades, including the following papers: Nevada Journal, Nevada Daily or Morning Transcript, Nevada Democrat, Marysville Appeal, Tombstone, Morning Union, now The Union...