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POR 1-C 1:
Dreyfuss, Louis W., Mrs.. Older woman, gray hair, elegant dress, hat, gloves. Negative #: Neg 1-D 2.
POR 1-C 2:
Spike, Flavella Goding. Young woman, plaid dress, curly hair. Photographer: Moore, G.V./N.C.
POR 1-C 3:
unidentified Woman, portrait. Young woman, ruffled dress, wavy hair, no I.D. Photographer: Moore, G.V./N.C.
POR 1-C 4:
White, Pearl, Miss. Young woman, hair up, white blouse, watch. Photographer: Moore, G.V./N.C.
POR 1-C 5:
Dreyfuss, Louise Kruger. Mature woman, fancy hat, parasol, ca. 1890.
POR 1-C 6:
Penrose, "Blondie". Young man, curly hair, suit/tie, North Bloomfield. Photographer: Moore, G.V./N.C.
POR 1-C 7:
Tickell, Doctor. Suit/tie, mustache, receeding hair. Photographer: Elite, S.F.
POR 1-C 8:
Butler, Charles. Dark hair & mustache, suit/tie. Photographer: Dames & Butler, S.F.
POR 1-C 9:
Grant, William, Mrs.. Gray haired beautiful woman, fancy gown, 1897. Photographer: Marks, Michigan.
POR 1-C 10:
Baughman, Willie. Little boy, knickers, boots, fancy collar, 1897. Photographer: Baldwin, Sacramento.
POR 1-C 11:
Springstien, Nettie. Little girl, plaid dress, curls, dated 1898. Photographer: Sewell, S.F.
POR 1-C 12:
Searls, Niles. Memorial card, Niles with hat. Negative #: Neg 1-S-17 Photographer: Taber's, S.F.
POR 1-C 13:
Searls, Fred. Son of Niles, same as POR 1-C 18.
POR 1-C 14 A&B:
Hiller, Frederick John, Dr.. von Hillerscheidt, Frederick John, Dr.. Portrait with bio data on reverse. Photographer: Beals', Gold Hill, NV.
POR 1-C 14-BACK:
[No associated photo or description available]. [1 related photo]
POR 1-C 15:
Parisot, Constance Agnelica. Mature woman, serious, long curls, fancy dress.
POR 1-C 16:
Godfrey, Edith Wayman. Young woman, white dress.
POR 1-C 17-A:
George, Harry. 3 boys with fishing tackle, others not named. [1 related photo]
POR 1-C 17-B:
George, Harry. 4 teen boys w/dog, others not named. [1 related photo]
POR 1-C 18:
Searls, Fred, Sr.. 1876, young man, suit/tie, mustache. Photographer: Taylor & Co., S.F.
POR 1-C 19 A&B:
Searls, Niles, Judge. Original prints w/o hat. Negative #: Neg 1-S-67&75 Photographer: Taber, S.F.
POR 1-C 19 C&D:
Searls, Niles, Judge. 8x10 reprints of A&B. Negative #: Neg 1-S-67&75.