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PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 51:

Champion Mine. Underground, ditch under track, one man. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 051.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 52:

Mining. Drilling in stope, power drill. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 052.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 53:

Mining. Mining with single jack, underground. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 053.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 54:

North Star Mine. 1936, crew photo, no id's. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 054.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 55:

Empire Mine, employees. 1936, crew photo, no id's. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 055.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 56:

North Star Powerhouse. 1895, aqueduct complete, hills bare of trees. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 056.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 57:

Empire Mine, underground. Crew underground with ore car. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 057.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 58:

Empire Mine, underground. Underground, lunch time, cat & miners. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 058.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 59:

North Star Mine. Underground, 3 unidentified men. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 059.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 60:

North Star Powerhouse. Close-up, bronze buckets, 18' Pelton Wheel. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 060.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 61:

North Star Powerhouse. Ruins of building-18' wheel. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 061.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 62:

North Star Powerhouse. 30' wheel in building ruins. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 062.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 63:

North Star Powerhouse. Building in ruins. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 063.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 64:

North Star Powerhouse. Pelton wheel, building ruins. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 064.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 65:

North Star Powerhouse. Compressor on upper level, ruins of building. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 065.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 66:

North Star Powerhouse. Compressor on 30' wheel. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 066.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 67:

North Star Powerhouse. Compressor on upper level, pelton wheel. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 067.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 68:

North Star Powerhouse. View from back door, ruins of bldg. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 068.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 69:

North Star Powerhouse. Compressor on upper level. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 069.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 70:

Oliver Filters. Close-up view, mine not identified. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 070.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 71:

North Star Mine. Change house, exterior. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 071.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 72:

North Star Mine. Man forming amalgam balls. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 072.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 73:

North Star Mine. Freight wagon, motorized. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 073.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 74:

North Star Mine?. Men/equipment cutting station. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 074.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 75:

Empire Mine, above ground. Drawing of early mineyard/mill. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 075.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 77:

Empire Mine, Rowe Shaft. Headframe/building from ground level. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 077.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 78:

Empire Mine, headframe. Headframe/shaft from ground level. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 078. [1 related photo]
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 79:

Empire Mine, above ground. Overhead walkway, headframe, buildings. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 079.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 80:

Empire Mine, above ground. Mine yard, headframe, weather station. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 080.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 81:

Empire Mine, cyanide plant. Cyanide Plant, interior. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 081.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 82:

Empire Mine, stamp mill. 1910, stamp mill, exterior. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 082.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 83:

Empire Mine, above ground. 1959, day of auction. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 083.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 85:

Empire Mine, Bourn Cottage. Path from clubhouse to cottage. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 085.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 86:

Empire Mine, Clubhouse. View of side or rear. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 086.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 87:

Empire Mine, grounds. Pine Porches. "Pine Porches" house on original site. Empire mine house on original site. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 087.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 88:

Empire Mine, Clubhouse. Tennis courts, clubhouse in background. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 088.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 89:

Empire Mine, Bourn Cottage. Steps to swimming pool. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 089.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 90:

Empire Mine, Bourn Cottage. Ivy covered cottage, lawn, fountain. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 090.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 91:

Empire Mine, headframe. 1925, Headframe, looking down from top. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 091.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 92:

Empire Mine, cyanide plant. Cyanide plant, interior. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 092.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 93:

Empire Mine, cyanide plant. Cyanide plant, interior, 1930?. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 093.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 94:

Empire Mine, cyanide plant. 1930? Exterior cyanide plant other side. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 094.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 95:

Empire Mine, cyanide plant. 1930, exterior, cyanide plant. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 095.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 97:

Empire Mine, above ground. Interior, dry/change house. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 097.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 98:

Empire Mine, above ground. 1915, yard, buildings viewed from top of headframe. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 098.
PIC 6-MNG.MUS. 99:

Empire Mine, headframe. 1915, Headframe and buildings. Negative #: Mng. Mus. 099.
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