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PIC 5-MIN-C 321:
Assayer's weights. Boxed set of weights for weighing gold.
PIC 5-MIN-C 324:
Labor Relations. 1938 strikers camp, 3 tents. Negative #: Neg 4-155 Photographer: Kinyon/Tyler collection.
PIC 5-MIN-C 325:
Labor Relations. 1938 strikers at their camp. Photographer: Kinyon.
PIC 5-MIN-C 326:
Miner. Operating pneumatic drill underground. Negative #: NEG 3-pneumatic drill.
PIC 5-MIN-C 327:
Mine, unidentified. Ore cars etc. above ground. Negative #: Neg 2-168.
PIC 5-MIN-C 328:
Mine, unidentified. Shaft entrance. Negative #: Neg 2-168.
PIC 5-MIN-C 330:
Mine, unidentified. Men & equipment above ground. Negative #: Neg 2-168.
PIC 5-MIN-C 331:
Mine, unidentified. Interior view shows track, wood framing. Negative #: Neg 2-168.
PIC 5-MIN-C 335:
Hydraulic Mining. 4-21-1956, 2 men, modern clothes, monitor running. Photographer: L. R. Farrell.
PIC 5-MIN-C 336:
Hydraulic Mining. 4-21-1956, man, operating monitor, demonstration?. Photographer: L. R. Farrell.
PIC 5-MIN-C 337:
16 to 1 Mine, Original. Bennett, C. A.. Crew photo, ca 1930 w/Gen.Mgr. C.A. Bennett. Original 16 to 1 Mine crew photo ca 1930.
PIC 5-MIN-C 338:
Flume, inside. Not named, clear interior view. Negative #: Neg 3-flume int.
PIC 5-MIN-C 339:
Dam under construction. Log dam. Negative #: Neg 3 dam const.