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PIC 5-MIN-C 121:
Ziebright Mine. Ca. 1930-40, portal, 2 men cutting timbers.
PIC 5-MIN-C 122:
Ziebright Mine. Ca. 1930-40, 2 miners, hard hats etc, no ID.
PIC 5-MIN-C 123:
Ziebright Mine. Headframe & mill view from top looking down.
PIC 5-MIN-C 124:
Ziebright Mine. 1998, color, view into collar, timbering, water.
PIC 5-MIN-C 128:
Omega Mine. 2 working monitors, 1 not, power poles, eroded hil.
PIC 5-MIN-C 130:
Malakoff Mine. Restraining dam and reservoir, reflection in water.
PIC 5-MIN-C 131:
Champion Mine Mill. Deer Creek. View from across Deer Creek, bridge, bldgs. At Champion Mine Mill, bldgs, bridge. Negative #: Neg 1-C 17.
PIC 5-MIN-C 132:
Champion Mine. Miner drilling in stope, no ID. Negative #: Neg 1-C 10.
PIC 5-MIN-C 133:
Derbec Mine. Miners. 40 miners, with 3 children, fireplug. Derbec crew, 40 men, 3 children.
PIC 5-MIN-C 134:
Manzanita Diggings. Firehouse No. 1. 1936,distant view over roofs of Nevada City. Bell tower in foreground of view of Manzanita Digg.
PIC 5-MIN-C 136-A:
Hydraulic mining. 4 monitors working, people, eroded hills. [1 related photo]
PIC 5-MIN-C 136-B:
Hydraulic mining. Computer enlargement of 136-A. [1 related photo]
PIC 5-MIN-C 137:
You Bet Diggings. Ca. 1960-70 Wyckoff pic of eroded hills.