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PIC 5-MIN-B 80:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Man at collar of shaft, holding lamp & ore.
PIC 5-MIN-B 81:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Garage for employees cars, c. 1930.
PIC 5-MIN-B 82:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Crase, Bert. Bert Crase & other man at collar. General Mgr. Idaho-Maryland & other man at collar. Negative #: Neg 3-P9-R5-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 83:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Headframe, blacksmith shop on left, early truck. Negative #: Neg 3-P9-R1-0.
PIC 5-MIN-B 84:
Idaho Maryland Mine, vein. 1900' level, Dorsey footwall vein below fault.
PIC 5-MIN-B 85:
Idaho Maryland Mine, vein. 1900' level, Dorsey Footwall vein below fault.
PIC 5-MIN-B 86:
Idaho Maryland Mine, vein. 1900' level, fault cut off veins. Negative #: Neg 3-P9-R1-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 88:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Shaft, ore skip in west compartment at collar. Negative #: Neg 3-P9-R1-4.
PIC 5-MIN-B 89:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Pieced panorama, mine & surroundings. Negative #: Neg 1-I-9.
PIC 5-MIN-B 90 A-B:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Panorama, 2 piece scan, fold in middle. Negative #: Neg 1-I 9. [1 related photo]
PIC 5-MIN-B 91:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Panorama, edges damaged. Negative #: Neg 1-I-10.
PIC 5-MIN-B 93:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Panorama, numbers, explanation on reverse. Negative #: Neg 1-I-6.
PIC 5-MIN-B 94:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Panorama, numbers w/no explanation.
PIC 5-MIN-B 96:
Idaho Maryland Mine. 2000', electric trolly, ore cars, grizzly, 2 men. Negative #: Neg 1-I-7.
PIC 5-MIN-B 97:
Idaho Maryland Mine. Ingersol-rand drilling machine mounted. Trolly. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R3-3.
PIC 5-MIN-B 98:
Idaho Mine. Crew picture, night shift, no date. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R4-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 99:
Idaho Mine. Buildings & yard, no date. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R4-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 94.1:
Idaho Mine. View from across creek, horse buggy on bridge. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-Rd-?. [1 related photo]