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PIC 5-MIN-B 155:
Brunswick Mine, New. 1918, stope below 900 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R1-4.
PIC 5-MIN-B 156:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918?, Brunswick pump 1250 old shaft. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R2-3.
PIC 5-MIN-B 157:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, stull stope with back filling below 900 leve. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R3-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 158:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918?, top of filled stope below #9 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R1-4.
PIC 5-MIN-B 159:
Brunswick Mine, New. 1918, stope below 900. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R1-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 160:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918?, pump, 1250. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R1-5.
PIC 5-MIN-B 161:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918, stope fill below old "four level". Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R2-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 162:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, ore side, pole logging battery, #1 stope. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R2-4.
PIC 5-MIN-B 163:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918, pillar supporting hanging wall, four level. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R2-4&5.
PIC 5-MIN-B 164:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, stope above 1200' level #12 stope, west side. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R2-3.
PIC 5-MIN-B 165:
Brunswick Mine, Old. Stull stope below #9 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R2-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 166:
Brunswick Mine. Station Brunswick, new shaft. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R1-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 167:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, starting stope, 1300 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R2-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 168:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, floor next to top #12 west stope. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R1-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 169:
Brunswick Mine. 1918?, 900 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R2-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 170:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918, pillar, looking up from stope below #9 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R3-1.
PIC 5-MIN-B 171:
Brunswick Mine, Old. 1918, stull stope below #9 level. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R1-3.
PIC 5-MIN-B 172:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, 1300' stull-stope. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R1-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 173:
Brunswick Mine. 1918, 1200',log battery wall, waste side. Negative #: Neg 3-P10-R1-9.
PIC 5-MIN-B 174:
Brunswick Mine, New. Surface bldgs, steel headframe, shop, assay bldgs. Negative #: Neg 3-P9-R1-2&5.
PIC 5-MIN-B 175:
Brunswick mine. 2-3 1/2' quartz in face. Negative #: Neg 3-P11-R3-2.
PIC 5-MIN-B 176:
Brunswick Mine, New. Surface bldgs, headframe, dry bldg, shops. Negative #: Neg 3-P9-R6-4.