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PIC 4-NEV4 61:
Laundry. 1 of 3, commercial laundry, 3 women, 2 men, machin.
PIC 4-NEV4 62:
Laundry. 1 of 3, commercial laundry, women ironing.
PIC 4-NEV4 63:
Kidd-Knox Building. Chain Groceteria. Fischer Electrical Shop. Broad St., 228. 1930 downstairs stores, iron railing etc. 228 Broad St., Kidd-Knox...
MoreKidd-Knox Building. Chain Groceteria. Fischer Electrical Shop. Broad St., 228. 1930 downstairs stores, iron railing etc. 228 Broad St., Kidd-Knox Bldg., 1930.
PIC 4-NEV4 64:
National Meat Market. Broad St., 222. 1 of 2, interior, 2 men, carcasas, 1914-1948. 1 of 2, National Meat Market interior 1914-1948.
PIC 4-NEV4 65:
National Meat Market. Broad St., 222. 1 of 2, exterior, hanging carcases, 1914-1948.
PIC 4-NEV4 66:
Laundry. Man pressing garments, electric iron, hotel?. Negative #: Neg 3-P4-R1-1.
PIC 4-NEV4 67-A:
Laundry. Same as B, 5x7 b/w. Negative #: Neg 1-Y-2. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-NEV4 67-B:
Laundry. 2 women hanging laundry, 8 x10 b/w. Negative #: Neg 1-Y-2. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-NEV4 68:
Broad St., 309. Interior, bar, ca. 1930, electric mixer, lights.
PIC 4-NEV4 69A:
Pine St., South, 115. 1-2009, false front removed, original bldg. expose. [2 related photos]
PIC 4-NEV4 69B:
Pine St., South, 115. 1-2009, back entry arch during renovation. [2 related photos]
PIC 4-NEV4 70:
Broad St., 234. Kidd-Knox Building. 1985, Kidd-Knox bldg., no balcony, no prints. 1985, no balcony, no prints w/o Wyckoff approval.
PIC 4-NEV4 71:
Washington St., 317. St. Canice CatholicChurch. St. Canice Church, 1985, no prints w/o Wyckoff app. 1985, Wyckoff restricted use.
PIC 4-NEV4 72:
Main St., 300. 1985 Church, no prints w/o Wyckoff approval.
PIC 4-NEV4 73:
Main St., 308. 1985, Waggoner house, no prints w/o Wyckoff approv.
PIC 4-NEV4 74:
Commercial St., 235. Framanstanyl's. 1985, Framastanyl's, no prints w/o Wyckoff approv. 1985, 235 Commercial St., no prints w/o Wyckoff ap.
PIC 4-NEV4 75:
Searls Library. Church St., N. C. 214. 1985, no prints w/o Wyckoff approval. 1985, Searls Library, no prints w/o Wyckoff approv.
PIC 4-NEV4 76:
Main St., 220. Main St., 218. 1985, no prints w/o Wyckoff approval.
PIC 4-NEV4 77:
Commercial St., 200. 1985, old P.O. building, no prints w/o Wyckoff app.
PIC 4-NEV4 78:
Broad St., 420. Broad St., 418. Broad St., 416. Broad St., 414. 1985, no prints w/o Wyckoff approval.
PIC 4-NEV4 79:
Pine St., North, 108 1/2. Pine St., North, 104. Broad St., 234 (N. Pine St. side). 1985,Masonic Bldg., no prints w/o Wyckoff approval. 1985, no...
MorePine St., North, 108 1/2. Pine St., North, 104. Broad St., 234 (N. Pine St. side). 1985,Masonic Bldg., no prints w/o Wyckoff approval. 1985, no prints w/o Wyckoff approval.