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PIC 4-GR 341:

Fillmore House. Wisconsin Hotel. Aka Wisconsin Hotel, GV, ca. 1900-05. Renamed Fillmore House, ca. 1900-1905.
PIC 4-GR 344A:
Auburn St., South 134. Salvation Army. 1923, new Salvation Army building, dedication. Dedication of new building, 1923, S. Auburn & Bank. [1 related...
MoreAuburn St., South 134. Salvation Army. 1923, new Salvation Army building, dedication. Dedication of new building, 1923, S. Auburn & Bank. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GR 344B:

Auburn St., South 134. Salvation Army. Old Salvation Army Building, (wood). Old building, S. Auburn & Bank (wood). [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GR 345A:
Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965, just before demolition. 1965 Delano Bank Building before demolition. Negative #: Neg 1-G 97...
MoreDelano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965, just before demolition. 1965 Delano Bank Building before demolition. Negative #: Neg 1-G 97 Photographer: Lyle White. [2 related photos]
PIC 4-GR 345B:
Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965, just before demolition. 1965, Delano Bank Building before demolition. Negative #: Neg 1-G 98...
MoreDelano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965, just before demolition. 1965, Delano Bank Building before demolition. Negative #: Neg 1-G 98 Photographer: Lyle White. [2 related photos]
PIC 4-GR 345C:
Hotel de France. Main St., West, 208. Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965 before demolition. 1965 Hotel de France before demolition...
MoreHotel de France. Main St., West, 208. Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965 before demolition. 1965 Hotel de France before demolition. 1965, just before demolition. 1965 Delano Bank Building before demolition. Negative #: Neg 1-G 99 Photographer: Lyle White. [2 related photos]
PIC 4-GR 346A:
Hotel de France. Main St., West, 208. Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965 rear view just before demolition. 1965 rear view Hotel de...
MoreHotel de France. Main St., West, 208. Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. 1965 rear view just before demolition. 1965 rear view Hotel de France before demolition. 1965, rear view before demolition. 1965, rear view, Delano Bank, before demolition. Photographer: Lyle White. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GR 346B:
Delano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. Hotel de France. Main St., West, 208. 1965, rear view, before demolition. 1965, Delano Bank Building,...
MoreDelano Bank Building. Main St., West, 210. Hotel de France. Main St., West, 208. 1965, rear view, before demolition. 1965, Delano Bank Building, rear, before demolitio. 1965, Hotel de France, rear, before demolition. Negative #: Neg 1-G 95 Photographer: Lyle White. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GR 347:
Mill St., G.V.. Mill St., 116. Mill St., 114. Ca. 1965, shows G.V. Hardware, Francel's. Ca. 1965, Mill St. with sign for Francel's. Ca. 1965, Mill...
MoreMill St., G.V.. Mill St., 116. Mill St., 114. Ca. 1965, shows G.V. Hardware, Francel's. Ca. 1965, Mill St. with sign for Francel's. Ca. 1965, Mill St. with G.V. Hardware sign. Negative #: Neg 4-223.
PIC 4-GR 348:

Glenbrook Park. Cottage #3, front, 9-1948. Negative #: Neg 4-212 Photographer: M.C. Legg.
PIC 4-GR 349:

Glenbrook Park. Cottage #3, rear, 9-1948. Negative #: Neg 4-211 Photographer: M.C. Legg.
PIC 4-GR 350:

Main St., West. Hotel de France. Hotel de France demolition. Demolition, side wall of adjacent bldg. Negative #: Neg 4-233 Photographer: Lyle White.
PIC 4-GR 351:

Main St., West. Hotel de France. Hotel de France demolition. Demolition, side wall of adjacent bldg. Negative #: Neg 4-219 Photographer: Lyle White.
PIC 4-GR 352:

Main St., West. Hotel de France. Hotel de France demolition. Demolition, side wall of adjacent bldg. Negative #: Neg 4-218 Photographer: Lyle White.
PIC 4-GR 353:

Nevada Union High School. Dedication ceremony?. Negative #: Neg 4-205.
PIC 4-GR 354:

Donation Day Parade. Ca. 1910-1915. Negative #: Neg 4-175.
PIC 4-GR 355:

California Dept. of Forestry. 22 men in front of bldg at Ridge & Zion. Negative #: Neg 4-204.
PIC 4-GR 356:

Main St., West, 407. Christian Science Church. Christian Science Church ca. 1940s. 407 W. Main, G.V. ca. 1940s. Negative #: Neg 4-224.
PIC 4-GR 357:

Fairgrounds. Idaho Maryland Mine. Idaho-Maryland core installed. Large core installed at Fairgrounds. Negative #: Neg 4-209 Photographer: Lyle White.
PIC 4-GR 358:
Fairgrounds. Idaho Maryland Mine. Idaho-Maryland core installed at. Large core installed at Fairgrounds. Negative #: Neg 4-209 Photographer: Lyle...
MoreFairgrounds. Idaho Maryland Mine. Idaho-Maryland core installed at. Large core installed at Fairgrounds. Negative #: Neg 4-209 Photographer: Lyle White.
PIC 4-GR 359:
Fairgrounds. Idaho Maryland Mine. Idaho-Maryland core installed at. Large core installed at Fairgrounds. Negative #: Neg 4-210 Photographer: Lyle...
MoreFairgrounds. Idaho Maryland Mine. Idaho-Maryland core installed at. Large core installed at Fairgrounds. Negative #: Neg 4-210 Photographer: Lyle White.