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PIC 4-BRI 100:
Bridgeport Covered Bridge Plaque. N.D.G.W. placed 1948, clear, readable, b/w.
PIC 4-BRI 101:
Bridgeport Covered Bridge. Before restoration, entrance, side view.
PIC 4-BRI 102:
Bridgeport Covered Bridge. Interior view, arch, missing shingles.
PIC 4-BRI 103:
Bridgeport Covered Bridge. Interior, end to end, 2 people inside.
PIC 4-BRI 104:
Cemetery, Bridgeport. No date, fenced, markers, shrubs, trees.
PIC 4-BRI 105:
Empire Ranch Barn at Bridgepor. No date, barn, fence.
PIC 4-BRI 106:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 4-21-1962, color, side view, from river level.
PIC 4-BRI 107:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 11-7-1961, color, side view, from above.
PIC 4-BRI 108:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 11-7-1961, color, side view, bridge level.
PIC 4-BRI 109:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 11-7-1961, color, side view, bridge level.
PIC 4-BRI 110:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 5-21-1955, color, side view, from river level.
PIC 4-BRI 111:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 5-21-1955, color, side view, from river level.
PIC 4-BRI 112:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 5-21-1955, color, inter, arch.
PIC 4-BRI 113:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 4-21-1962, color, side view, from above.
PIC 4-BRI 114:
Bridgeport covered bridge. 4-21-1962, color, side view, river level.
PIC 4-BRI 115:
Bridgeport covered bridge. Undated, entrance, 5 mpg sign, stone monument.
PIC 4-BRI 116:
Bridgeport covered bridge. Undated, entrance, 5 MPH speed sign.
PIC 4-BRI 117:
Bridgeport covered bridge. Undated, interior view, arch.
PIC 4-BRI 119:
Bridgeport covered bridge. Undated, entrance, woman from above, speed sign.
PIC 4-GAS 1:
Gaston. Hotel & Store buried in snow March, 1911. Negative #: Neg 1-G-24.
PIC 4-GAS 2:
Gaston. View from above, multiple buildings, summer. Negative #: Neg 1-G-29.
PIC 4-GAS 3:
Gaston. View from above, different than GAS 2, summer. Negative #: Neg 1-G-23.
PIC 4-GAS 4:
Gaston. View from above, some snow, smoke from tall chimne. Negative #: Neg 1-G 23A.
PIC 4-GAS 5:
Gaston Mine. Earlier view of mine, fewer buildings than others. Negative #: Neg 1-G-20.
PIC 4-GAS 6:
Gaston. Charcoal Kiln. Charcoal kiln being built. At Gaston, being built, 1909. Negative #: Neg 1-G 22.
PIC 4-GAS 7:
Gaston. Grissel, Rose. North Bloomfield Ditch at Gaston. Next to North Bloomfield Ditch at Gaston.
PIC 4-GAS 8:
Grissel, Rose. Grissel, E. B.. 1908, with E. B. Grisell, dead deer, at Gaston. 1908, with Rose Grisell, dead deer, at Gaston. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GAS 9:
Gaston. Cicogni, John. Cicogni, Charles. Gregori, Santino (Sam). Sicchi, John. Wood cutters, 4 men, no IDs. 1909, cutting wook at Gaston.
PIC 4-GAS 10:
Gaston-Washington Stage. 1911, stagecoach, 2 men, 2 horses on road.
PIC 4-GAS 11:
Worthington, Frank & Lyla. 1908-12, Gaston house, people on steps no ID.
[No associated photo or description available]. [2 related photos]