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PIC 3-LU 20:
Cooper's Mill. Lumbering. Loading log, ox pulled wagon.
PIC 3-LU 21-A:
Lumbering. Cooper's Mill. Donkey engine, Cooper's Mill. Sawmill, donkey engine. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-LU 21-B:
Cooper's Mill. Lumbering. Copy of 21-A. Negative #: Neg 1-L-17. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-LU 23:
Lumbering, mill. Camptonville sawmill. Camptonville sawmill, 1905, stacked lumber.
PIC 3-LU 24:
Lumbering. B. C. P. Co. Sawmill. Trucks in motion, 8 horses, loaded log wagon, 1905. Sawmill, horses, loaded wagon, 1905.
PIC 3-LU 26:
Lumbering-truck. Mack Truck. Mack Truck ca. 1920, Truckee, loaded, dirt road.
PIC 3-LU 27:
Lumbering, mill. Stateline Mill. Stateline Mill, Verdi, 1888. Sawmill, Verdi, 1888.
PIC 3-LU 28:
Lumbering, mill. Hamlin. Stateline Mill. Stateline Mill, Verdi, 1888, interior view, men. F.W. Doan & Hamlin, Stateline Mill. Sawmill, Verdi, 1888,...
MoreLumbering, mill. Hamlin. Stateline Mill. Stateline Mill, Verdi, 1888, interior view, men. F.W. Doan & Hamlin, Stateline Mill. Sawmill, Verdi, 1888, interior.
PIC 3-LU 29:
Lumbering, mill. Doan, F. W. & Hamlin. Stateline Mill. Stateline Mill, Verdi, 1888. Sawmill, Verdi, 1888. Sawmill, Verdi, 1888, exterior.
PIC 3-LU 30:
Lumbering, mill. Stateline Mill. Hamlin. Doan. Stateline Mill, crew, 1888, Hamlin, Doan id'd.
PIC 3-LU 32:
Lumbering. Steam engine. Steam wagon hauling lumber, logs, bldg., 5 men.
PIC 3-LU 33:
Lumbering. Doan's Steam wagon. Steam engine. News article, Doan's steam wagon hauling lumber.
PIC 3-LU 34:
Lumbering. Davis, Arthur. Lumberjack, A. Davis, tools, cabled downed tree. Negative #: Neg 1-L-20.
PIC 3-LU 35:
Lumbering, mill. Steam engine. Davis Mill, donkey engine, crew, logs on V flume?. Negative #: Neg 1-L 21.
PIC 3-LU 36:
Lumbering, mill. Wayman, Bud. Davis Sawmill horse team, log wagon, men. In light jacket w/team, wagon other crew. Negative #: Neg 1-L 22.
PIC 3-LU 37:
Lumbering, mill. Wayman, Bud. Wayman, Tom. Crew w/horse, Arthur Davis Sawmill. Negative #: Neg 1-L-23.
PIC 3-LU 38:
Lumbering. Voss Sawmill. Omega. Logging team/Voss Sawmill nr. Omega. Negative #: Neg 1-L-24.