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PIC 1-A 120:
Blacksmith. Bain & Miller. Horses, work. Nevada Shop, 2 work horses, 6 men, brick bldg. Nevada Shop, general blacksmithing. At blacksmith in harness.
PIC 1-A 121:
Glenbrook, 1876. View from hill, lake, bldgs, etc. Negative #: Neg 2-G 9.
PIC 1-A 122:
Spaulding Dam. Powerhouse, see Spaulding. Dam, powerhouse 1 &2, PG&E photo. Spaulding Dam, powerhouse 1 &2, PG&E photo.
PIC 1-A 123:
Pelton Wheel. Large, near Miner's Foundry ca. 1960. Negative #: Neg 2-P-2.
PIC 1-A 125:
Danforth's, Nevada City. Danforth, Mrs.. Danforth, Nellie. House, Mrs. D., daughter Nellie & 2 friends w/dog.
PIC 1-A 126:
taxidermist?. Man, 2 mounted eagles & deer, outside.
PIC 1-A 127:
Bear fight. Drawing, man, knife, standing bear.
PIC 1-A 130:
Stewart, William Morris. Wood sign in front of house.
PIC 1-A 131A:
Stewart, William Morris. E.C.V. plaque on house. [2 related photos]
PIC 1-A 131B:
Stewart, William Morris. E.C.V. plaque for house. [2 related photos]
PIC 1-A 131C:
Stewart, William Morris. E.C.V. plaque for house. [2 related photos]
PIC 1-A 132:
Kidder Mansion. Apartment available sign on porch.
PIC 1-A 133:
Stewart, William Morris. Residence, Zion St., Nevada City.
PIC 1-A 134:
North Star Powerhouse. Massachusetts Hill Mine. Stockbridge Shaft. Just after completion, mine bldg in back. On hill above N.Star Power House per...
MoreNorth Star Powerhouse. Massachusetts Hill Mine. Stockbridge Shaft. Just after completion, mine bldg in back. On hill above N.Star Power House per Glenn Jones.
PIC 1-A 135-A:
Camp Far West Cemetery. Sign & monument. [2 related photos]
PIC 1-A 135B:
Camptonville ca. 1940-50. Ranger Station sign visible. Negative #: Neg 2-C8. [2 related photos]
PIC 1-A 135-C:
Camp Far West Cemetery. Large group around marker, NCHS visit 4-25-48?. [3 related photos]
PIC 1-A 136A:
Camptonville. Pelton Monument. Pelton Monument. Camptonville, black/white. Negative #: Neg 2-C9. [3 related photos]
PIC 1-A 136B:
Pelton Monument. Camptonville. Camptonville, color photo. Pelton Monument, color photo. [3 related photos]
PIC 1-A 136C:
Pelton Wheel Monument. Color, Camptonville, 2 men no ID. [3 related photos]
PIC 1-A 136D:
Pelton Wheel. Color, Pelton's first wheel, no divided buckets. [3 related photos]
PIC 1-A 137:
Bridge, Oregon Creek. Oregon Creek Covered Bridge. Covered bridge. Black/white. [1 related photo]
PIC 1-A 137B:
Oregon Creek Covered Bridge. Side & entrance view, not dated. Negative #: Neg 2-B 4. [1 related photo]
PIC 1-A 138:
Barbers. 18 men, G.V.&N.C. old time barbers.
PIC 1-A 139:
Barber Shop. Interior, 3 barbers & customers.