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PIC 6-WAT 48:
Malakoff Diggings. General View, 2 monitors, see PIC 5-MIN-C 102-C. Photographer: Watkins, C.E.
PIC 6-WAT 49:
Malakoff Mine. 2 monitors, see PIC 5-MIN-C 102-D. Photographer: Watkins, C.E.
PIC 6-WAT 50:
Malakoff Diggings. Under currents, see PIC 5-MIN-C 102-E. Photographer: Watkins, C.E.
PIC 6-WAT 51:
Malakoff Mine. Mouth of Tunnel, see PIC 5-MIN-C 102-E. Photographer: Watkins, C.E.
PIC 6-WAT 52:
Malakoff Diggins. Iron pipe across mine see PIC 5 MIN-C 102-F. Negative #: Neg 1-H 113 Photographer: Watkins, C.E. [1 related photo]
PIC 6-WAT 52B:
Malakoff Diggings. Stereo print of PIC 6-WAT 52. Photographer: C. E. Watkins. [1 related photo]
PIC 6-WAT 53:
Union Diggings, Relief Hill. Stereo pic, gift of C. Ward. Photographer: Watkins.
PIC 6-WAT 54:
Malakoff Diggins. Monitor working & miner stereopticon slide. Photographer: Watkins.
PIC 6-WAT 55:
Malakoff Diggings Hydraulic Mining. Stereo views, 4 monitors working. Photographer: Watkins.
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