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PIC 6-CHA 450:
Men, no ID.. 2 bearded men, hats, work clothes. Photographer: Whitney & Kendig, Batavia, Ill.
PIC 6-CHA 451:
Man, no ID. Man, 2 horses. Photographer: Whitney, W.Batavia, Ill.
PIC 6-CHA 452:
Valantine, Rebecca Meloney (Royal). Young woman, long braided hair. Photographer: Frye Bros., G.V.
PIC 6-CHA 454:
Organ, Nellie Manson, Mrs. & child. Snapshot woman and baby.
PIC 6-CHA 455:
Organ, Frank. Organ, Claire. With Claire Organ. With Frank Organ.
PIC 6-CHA 456:
Boys, no ID. 2 little boys. Photographer: Ferrand, N. City.
PIC 6-CHA 457:
Boy, no ID. Little boy. Photographer: Chas. Ferrand, Nevada.
PIC 6-CHA 458:
Girl, no ID. Little girl. Photographer: Chas. Ferrand, Nevada.
PIC 6-CHA 460:
Boy, no ID. Young, suit, tie. Photographer: Rudolph, N. City.
PIC 6-CHA 461:
Man, no ID. Mature man. Photographer: Chas. Ferrand, Nevada.
PIC 6-CHA 464:
Organ, Hallie T.. Organ, Grace C.. Organ, Vernon C.. On left of 3 people. In middle of 3 people. On right of 3 people.
PIC 6-CHA 465:
Man, no ID. Mature, neatly trimmed beard. Photographer: Bradley & Rulofson, S.F.
PIC 6-CHA 466:
Roche, William. Roche, Jamie. With baby Jamie. Baby with William Roche.
PIC 6-CHA 467:
Man, no ID. Same man as 438?. Photographer: J. M. Jacobs, Forest Hill.
PIC 6-CHA 468:
unidentified Woman. Young, elegant gown, lots of hair.
PIC 6-CHA 470:
Chapman, C. W.. Young man, see also 473. Photographer: Thurston, N. City.
PIC 6-CHA 472:
Girls, no ID. 2 young girls, pretty. Photographer: Noe & Lee, Virginia City.
PIC 6-CHA 473:
Chapman, C. W.. Duplicate of 470. Photographer: Thurston, N. City.
PIC 6-CHA 474:
unidentified Woman. Mature, curly hair, severe look.
PIC 6-CHA 478:
Couple, no I.D.. Mature couple, gown ca. 1870?. Photographer: Nims, Ft. Edward, N.Y.
PIC 6-CHA 479:
Roche, William. Roche, Janice. With baby Janice Roche. A baby with William Roche.
PIC 6-CHA 480 & 480 B:
unidentified Woman. Portrait, young woman. Photographer: Noe & Lee, Virginia City.
PIC 6-CHA 487 & 487B:
Chapman, Chester Warren. Boy in military uniform. Photographer: Noe & Lee, Virginia City.
PIC 6-CHA 488 & 488B:
Chapman, Sargent Allen. Boy in military uniform. Photographer: Noe & Lee, Virginia City.
PIC 6-CHA 489 & 489B:
Organ, Virginia Manson. Organ, Bobby Huffaker. With Bobby Organ, pre-teens. With Virginia Organ, pre-teens.
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