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PIC 6-CAM 99:
Camptonville area. Snow, downed trees. Negative #: Neg 4-395.
PIC 6-CAM 100:
Camptonville area. Creek, snow on trees. Negative #: Neg 4-396.
PIC 6-CAM 101:
Camptonville area. Snowy road, barbed wire fence. Negative #: Neg 4-397.
PIC 6-CAM 102:
Camptonville. Mayo, The. Ca. 1910, "The Mayo" Saloon, group on porch.
PIC 6-CAM 103:
Camptonville. Depot Hill Mine. Hydraulic Mining. Depot Hill Mine, hydraulic, operating. Camptonville, hydraulic mine, operating. Depot Hill Mine,...
MoreCamptonville. Depot Hill Mine. Hydraulic Mining. Depot Hill Mine, hydraulic, operating. Camptonville, hydraulic mine, operating. Depot Hill Mine, Camptonville, hydraulic,operating.
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