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PIC 6-BRA 1:

Brandt, Fred, family?. Group photo. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 2:

Brandt, Fred, family?. Evening gathering 6 women, 2 men. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 3:

Brandt, Fred, family. Woman, dog, 4 cats orchard in background. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 4:

Brandt, Fred. 3 ladies in orchard. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 5:

Brandt, "Katie". Woman in rocker. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 6:

Brandt, "Janet". Young woman. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 7:

Brandt. Young couple. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 8:

Brandt. "Farmer's Orchestra" couple, young birl & boy. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
Indian Cemetery. Fenced enclosure, stones. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection. [3 related photos]
PIC 6-BRA 10:

Mt. Olive area. Stream, dirt road. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 11:

Wagon. Manzanita wood pile, loaded wagon. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 12:

Agriculture. Cider making. Cider making, machine, boy, apple boxes. Boy, machine, apple boxes. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 13:

Briot's House. Large farm house?. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 14:

Brandt, Fred. "Back view, our house" w/little girl. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 15:

Brandt, Fred. "Our house". Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 16:

NCNGRR, Chicago Park depot. 1st Chicago Park Depot with train. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 17:

Brandt, ?. Woman in snow storm. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 18 A, B:

Agriculture. Group of bartlett pears on stem. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection. [1 related photo]
PIC 6-BRA 19:

Forest. White oaks with moss. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 20:

American River Bridge, Auburn. Distant view, river, bridge. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 21:

Bear River Wagon Bridge. View from river level. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 22:

Forest. View of burned forest. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 23:

Yuba River Wagon Bridge. View from above. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 24:

Towles (town). View, giant gap near Towles, CA. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 25:

Cape Horn Flume. Turn structure. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 26:

American River. From Cape Horn near Colfax. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 27:

Forest. A mountain home 28 mi. n/o Nevada City. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 28:

Wagon, lumber. "Lumber Truck" with load, man, horse. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 29:

American River. Near Towle, CA. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 30:

Brandt, Fred. Snow in yard. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 31:

SPRR, long ravine. Birdge surface with tracks. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 32:

Wagon. Wagon, team, man 1 mi. e/o Yuba River. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 33:

Gallivotti, S.. Memorial, murdered 1891 see NCHS Bulletin. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 34:

Agriculture. Grain crop, man, woman, chile. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 35:

Brandt, Fred. "Our House" 1901, 15" snow. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 36:

Graniteville. Approach. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 37:

Mining. Mine tunnel, ore car & man, no ID. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 38:

Rio Vista Gold & Copper Mine. 2 men, ore car. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 39:

Rio Vista Gold & Copper Mine. 3 men, dog, ore car. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 40:

Fairplay, CA. El Dorado County, view of buildings. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 41:

Fairplay, CA. El Dorado County, group on building porch. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 42:

Eureka Slate Co., Kelsey, CA. Loading area. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 43:

Eureka Slate Co., Kelsey, CA. Yard, building, tramway. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 44:

Consumnes River. View. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 45:

Marshal Monument. Coloma, distant view. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 46:

Eureka Slate Co., Kelsey, CA. Water power transmission gear. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 47:

Rio Vista Gold & Copper Mine. Near Fairpla, CA. mill building. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 48:

Eureka Slate Co., Kelsey, CA. Hoisting works, tramway. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
PIC 6-BRA 49 A, B:

Shebley's pond. NCNGRR, bridge. Pond, NCNGRR train on trestle. Shebley's Pond trestle, train. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection. [1 related photo]
PIC 6-BRA 50:

Bear River. Drainage tunnel, tracks, shed. Photographer: Fred Brandt Collection.
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