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PIC 6-BIG 1:

Fawcett, John. Fawcett, Mary. With sister Mary (Biggs) as children. With brother John, she was Mary Biggs, Mrs. Elam.
PIC 6-BIG 2:

Biggs, Elam & Family. Playing table croquet at 220 Colfax Ave.
PIC 6-BIG 3:

Biggs, Elam. Biggs, Elam & Family. Portrait. Mary, Harold, Amy & Elam.
PIC 6-BIG 4:

Biggs, Elam & Family. Mary, Harold, Amy, Elam.
PIC 6-BIG 6:

Biggs, Eleanor & Elton. Elam Biggs' twins, young children.
PIC 6-BIG 7:

Biggs, Eleanor & Elton. Elam Biggs' twins, teen age.
PIC 6-BIG 8:

Biggs, Eleanor & Elton. Elam Biggs' twins, teen age, standing.
PIC 6-BIG 10:

Biggs, Elam & Family. Mary, Harold, Elam, Elton, Amy, Eleanor.
PIC 6-BIG 11:

Biggs, Elam & Family. Elam & Mary w/2 children & 2 sisters.
PIC 6-BIG 12:

Biggs, Elam children. In touring car, young adults.
PIC 6-BIG 13:

Biggs, Elam children. Eleanor, Amy, Elton, Harold young adults.
PIC 6-BIG 16:

Biggs, Mary w/ Walter. Mrs. Biggs with baby Walter.
PIC 6-BIG 17:

Biggs, Mary Eglin Fawcett & Elam. W/Elton, Eleanor, Harold as adults.
PIC 6-BIG 19:

Biggs, Elam & Mary. Mature couple in front of 220 Colfax Ave.
PIC 6-BIG 20:

Biggs, Elam & Mary. W/Elton, Harold & Eleanor, as adults.
PIC 6-BIG 22:

Biggs, Elam & Mary & Family. 11 family members.
PIC 6-BIG 23:

Biggs, Amy. Crase, Ernest. W/husband Ernest Crase. W/wife Amy Biggs Crase.
PIC 6-BIG 24:

Crase, Amy (Biggs). Crase, Elmer. Crase, Clarence. W/sons Elmer & Clarence. W/mother Amy Bibbs Crase. W/mother Amy Biggs Crase.
PIC 6-BIG 25:

Biggs, Elam & Mary. Crase, Amy (Biggs). W/family at picnic. W/ sons Elmer & Clarence (baby).
PIC 6-BIG 27:

Biggs, Mary. Portrait in house (220 Colfax Ave.).
PIC 6-BIG 28:

Biggs, Mary. W/ son Elton & grandson Dick (baby).
PIC 6-BIG 29:

Biggs, family w/spouses & children. Amy, Else, Eleanor,Edith, Elton, Marilyn Harold, B.
PIC 6-BIG 31:

Colfax Ave., 220. Interior, with Christmas tree.
PIC 6-BIG 34:

Colfax Ave., 220. Front porch with cousin in costume.
PIC 6-BIG 37:

Colfax Ave., 220. 1984, interior, back parlor.
PIC 6-BIG 41:

Grass Valley. Grass Valley Hotel. View of town from Bret Harte Hotel ca. 1915+/-. Sign on Holbrooke Hotel ca. 1915 +/-.
PIC 6-BIG 42:

Empire Mine Grounds. Tennis courts. Photographer: Harold Biggs.
PIC 6-BIG 45:

Grass Valley. View of town from Widow's Walk, 220 Colfax Ave.
PIC 6-BIG 46:

Biggs, Dick & Jane. 1984 w/cousin, color print.
PIC 6-BIG 47:

Biggs, Dick. 1984 w/cousin, Jane in background.
PIC 6-BIG 48:

Colfax Ave., 220. House with soldier in front.
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