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PIC 6-BEST 45:
Best, Mary Penhall. Best family album, Mrs. Samuel.
PIC 6-BEST 50:
Sampson, Charlot Dahl. Mrs. Will Sampson, Best family album.
PIC 6-BEST 51:
Richards, Mamie. Mrs. Stephen Henry Richards, Best family album.
PIC 6-BEST 58:
Richards, Stephen Henry. Photo of home, S.Francisco, several people.
Richards, Stephen Launder. Grandfather of Elbridge Best.
Richards, Elizabeth Ann. Grandmother of Elbridge Best.
PIC 6-BEST 73:
Richards, Stephen L.. Richards, Elizabeth Ann. Richards, Stephen Henry Launder. Richards, Amanda Melvina. With family, photo from Canada, 1867.
PIC 6-BEST 74:
Richards, Stephen Henry Launder. Richards, Amanda Melvina. Richards, Emily Jane. With family, Best family album.
PIC 6-BEST 75:
unidentified woman & 3 children. Best family album.
PIC 6-BEST 76:
Richards, Margaret (Best). Daughter of, Best family album.
Best, Amanda Richards. Best, John. With John Best, Best family album. With wife, Best family album.
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