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PIC 5-MIN-C 1-A:

Coyote Diggings. C. 1970, denuded hills. Negative #: Neg 2-M-151. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 1-B:

Coyote Diggings. C. 1970, denuded hills. Negative #: Neg 2-M-152. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 1-C:

Coyote Diggings. C. 1970, denuded hills. Negative #: Neg 2-M-154. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 2-A:

Rock Creek Bridge, flume. Beyond Sugar Loaf, bridge over creek & flume. Negative #: Neg 1-D-17. [3 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 2-B:

Flume. Yuba River. Above Nevada City, along Yuba River. Yuba River canyon, river, flume. Negative #: Neg 1-D-15. [3 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 2-C:

Flume. Yuba River. Yuba River, canyon, flume. Negative #: Neg 1-D-18. [3 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 2-D:

Flume. In winter, large ice cicles hanging from bottom. Negative #: Neg 1-D-16. [3 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 3-A:

Mine, unidentified, hydraulic. 3 working monitors, denuded hillside. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 3-B:

Lake Spaulding. Printed 1936, hillside around lake. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 3-C:

Crystal Spring Ditch. Camp, house, ditch with water flowing. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 5-A:

Hirschman Diggings?. Buildings, tramway. [4 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 5-B:

Hirschman Diggings?. Buildings, logs, 3 men. [4 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 5-C:

Hirschman Diggings?. Water, large rocks, island?. [4 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 5-D:

Hirschman Diggings?. Buildings, debris. [4 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 5-E:

Hirschman Diggings?. Waterfall, denuded hillside, creek. [4 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-A:

Hirschman Diggings?. Mill? Building, elevated tramway etc. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-B:

Hirschman Diggings?. Pipe on elevated wood stands, denuded hills. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-C:

Hirschman Diggings?. 2 men, rails, buildings, debris pile. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-D:

Hirschman Diggings?. 2 men, rails, pipes stacked, small bldg. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-E:

Hirschman Diggings?. Hillside, small building, man. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-F:

Hirschman Diggings?. Hillside with trees, brush. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-G:

Hirschman Diggings?. Buildings, men working construction. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-H:

Hirschman Diggings?. Tramway, elevated, building. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-J:

Hirschman Diggings. 1970, water, denuded hillside, some re-growth. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 6-K:

Hirschman Diggings. C. 1970 water, denuded hillside. [10 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 7:

Hydraulic Mining. 3 monitors , denuded hill, Pictorial History of CA. Negative #: Neg 1-M-62.
PIC 5-MIN-C 8-A:

Hirschman Diggings. Denuded hill, c. 1970. Negative #: Neg 1-M-67. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 8-B:

Omega Mine?. 2 monitors working hillside. Negative #: Neg 1-M-68. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 8-C:

Omega Mine?. Large worked area. Negative #: Neg 1-M-69. [2 related photos]
PIC 5-MIN-C 9:

English Dam. large log dam, broke in 1883. Negative #: Neg 1-D-12.
PIC 5-MIN-C 10:

Manzanita Diggings. Distant view of hydraulicked hillside. Negative #: Neg 1-D-13.
PIC 5-MIN-C 12:

Shady Creek. Hydraulic mining debris. Negative #: Neg 2-M-153.
PIC 5-MIN-C 14:

Malakoff Mine. Denuded hills, rock, photo by Clinch. Negative #: Neg 1-M-109 Photographer: Clinch.
PIC 5-MIN-C 16:

Malakoff Mine. 5 men standing around active monitor in pit. Negative #: Neg 1-M-63.
PIC 5-MIN-C 17:

Malakoff Mine. Active monitor washing hillside. Negative #: Neg 1-M-71.
PIC 5-MIN-C 18:

Malakoff Mine. Early view of hydraulicked pit. Negative #: Neg 1-M-65.
PIC 5-MIN-C 19-A:

North Bloomfield Hydraulic Mine. Flume-fed long toms with running water. Negative #: Neg 1-M-60. [1 related photo]
PIC 5-MIN-C 19-B:

North Bloomfield Hydraulic Mine. Flume-fed long toms with running water. Negative #: Neg 1-M-60. [1 related photo]
PIC 5-MIN-C 20:

Hydraulic Mining, unidentified site. 3 men operating monitor, eroded hillside. Negative #: Neg 1-M 66.
PIC 5-MIN-C 21:

Malakoff Mine. Large amount of water washing down hillside. Negative #: Neg 1-M-70.
PIC 5-MIN-C 22:

Hussey Mine. Chalk Bluff, aka Hussey Diggings. Negative #: Neg 1-H-33.
PIC 5-MIN-C 23:

Hussey's Gravel Mine. T&W, 1880, lithograph of John Hussey mine,house. Negative #: Neg 2-M-150.
PIC 5-MIN-C 24:

Malakoff Mine. 1893 Malakoff Mine. Negative #: Neg 1-M-61.
PIC 5-MIN-C 25:

Malakoff Mine. Malakoff Diggings Eroded hill, flume etc.600 DPI.
PIC 5-MIN-C 26:

Flume, walking on. Man w/dog on shoulders walking on flume. Negative #: Neg 1-D-10.
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