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PIC 4-GRA 2-A:
Graniteville, Hotel. No sign on bldg., small crowd, see PIC 4-GRA 31. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 2-B:
Graniteville, Golden State Hotel. Graniteville, different people than A. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 3-A:
Graniteville, Golden State Hotel. McLean, Bill. Brown, George. Coombs, Frank. Davis, George. Holsworth, Jim. Flander, Bill. Foss, Ed. McLain, Wm...
MoreGraniteville, Golden State Hotel. McLean, Bill. Brown, George. Coombs, Frank. Davis, George. Holsworth, Jim. Flander, Bill. Foss, Ed. McLain, Wm.. McLain Hotel. Golden State Hotel, Graniteville, ca. 1900, crowd. Graniteville, aka McLain Hotel. Negative #: Neg 1-G-64. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 4-A:
Gaston School. Grimes, Ruth. Worthington, Marjorie. Gregori, August. Williamson, Stenger. 1912, teacher, students. 1912 teacher, Gaston School. 1912...
MoreGaston School. Grimes, Ruth. Worthington, Marjorie. Gregori, August. Williamson, Stenger. 1912, teacher, students. 1912 teacher, Gaston School. 1912 class, Gaston School. Negative #: Neg 1-G-12. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 4-B:
Gaston School. Same as A, with names, poor print. Negative #: Neg 1-G-12. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 5-A:
Gaston. Same as 5-B, better print. Negative #: Neg 1-G-21. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 5-B:
Gaston. Cicogni, John. Cicogni, Charles. Gregori, Sam. Sichi, John. Men with axes-charcoal pits?. Gaston, 1914 w/crew w/axes etc. Negative #: Neg...
MoreGaston. Cicogni, John. Cicogni, Charles. Gregori, Sam. Sichi, John. Men with axes-charcoal pits?. Gaston, 1914 w/crew w/axes etc. Negative #: Neg 1-G-21. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 6:
Bowman Lake. Water, trees, rocky mountain.
PIC 4-GRA 8:
Graniteville School. 1965 front/side view.
PIC 4-GRA 10-1:
Graniteville. Wagon. Wagon rotting in brush, Graniteville, 1971.
PIC 4-GRA 10-2:
Graniteville. Travis, Margaret. Margaret Travis barn detail, 1971. Barn detail, 1971, Graniteville.
PIC 4-GRA 10-3:
Graniteville. Wagon Wheel. Detail of wagon wheel, 1971. Graniteville, detail of wagon wheel, 1971.
PIC 4-GRA 10-4:
Graniteville. Brown, Buster. Yost House. Yost House, 1971. House, Graniteville, ca. 1971. Graniteville, 1971.
PIC 4-GRA 10-6-A:
Graniteville. Picket fence, different from "B", 1971. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 10-6-B:
Graniteville. Travis, Margaret. Margaret Travis picket fence, 1971. Graniteville, picket fence, 1971. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 10-7:
Graniteville. Pace Home. Barnes Home. Rice Home. Pace Home, 1971. Graniteville, 1971. Graniteville, ca. 1960. Graniteville, ca. 1996.
PIC 4-GRA 10-8:
Graniteville. Travis. Travis House. House at Graniteille, 1971.
PIC 4-GRA 10-9:
Graniteville. Mehrkens, Joyce. Joyce Mehrkens new kitchen, 1970. New kitchen at Graniteville, 1970.
PIC 4-GRA 10-10:
Graniteville. Kavanaugh, Dewane. Young, Mrs.. Kavanaugh house/formerly Mrs. Young's. House at Graniteville, 1996.
PIC 4-GRA 11-A:
Moores Flat Townsite. Tahoe Forest Sign at site, no date, b/w. Negative #: Neg 1-M 81. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 11-B:
Moores Flat Townsite. Tahoe Forest Sign at site, 1974, colored. [1 related photo]
PIC 4-GRA 14:
Moores Flat Hydraulic Mine. Scene of. Negative #: Neg 1-M 98.
PIC 4-GRA 16:
Harbour, Walter. U. S. Mail. Graniteville. On skies, Mail N. Bloomfield to Graniteville, 1962. 1962, skies, North Bloomfield to Graniteville. U. S...
MoreHarbour, Walter. U. S. Mail. Graniteville. On skies, Mail N. Bloomfield to Graniteville, 1962. 1962, skies, North Bloomfield to Graniteville. U. S. Mail on skis, 1962, To North Bloomfield.
PIC 4-GRA 17:
Aircraft. DeNeal, Doc. Harbour, Herbert "Hub". Graniteville. U. S. Mail. 2 flyers, open cockpit plane, airmail to Granitevi. Flying U. S. Mail, N...
MoreAircraft. DeNeal, Doc. Harbour, Herbert "Hub". Graniteville. U. S. Mail. 2 flyers, open cockpit plane, airmail to Granitevi. Flying U. S. Mail, N. City to Graniteville, 1939. Flying, 1939, N. City to Graniteville.
PIC 4-GRA 19:
Graniteville. Stagecoach, wagon, horse/rider, people, horses.
PIC 4-GRA 21:
Graniteville. Snow scene, town, hotel porch, 1 man.
PIC 4-GRA 23:
Graniteville. Scene, steep mountain, rocks, trees, waterfall.
PIC 4-GRA 24:
Graniteville. Scene, steep mountain, waterfall, trees & rocks.
PIC 4-GRA 25:
Graniteville. Skiing. Small boy on skis, big dog, houses. Graniteville, small boy on skis, dog, houses.
PIC 4-GRA 26:
Graniteville. Cline, Margaret. 1952 scene, deep snow, 2 cabins. House, Graniteville, 1952, deep snow.
PIC 4-GRA 27:
Graniteville. Hippert, Nate. Scene, snow, bldgs, waterwheel. Graniteville snow scene, waterwheel, bldgs.
PIC 4-GRA 31:
Graniteville Hotel. Grimes, Mary (Warnecke). Horrigan, Fanny (Deerwater). McClean, Mame. Foss, children. Deerwater, Dan. McClean, Will. Graniteville...
MoreGraniteville Hotel. Grimes, Mary (Warnecke). Horrigan, Fanny (Deerwater). McClean, Mame. Foss, children. Deerwater, Dan. McClean, Will. Graniteville Hotel like PIC 4-GRA 2-B with names. Negative #: Neg 2-G-1.
PIC 4-GRA 32:
Graniteville School. Christmas Card, snow scene. Negative #: Neg 1-G-65.
PIC 4-GRA 33:
Graniteville School. 18 people on porch, ca. 1910.
PIC 4-GRA 34:
Graniteville. Brown, Buster. Fontz, Joe. Flynn, Bert. Foley, Leo. Breaking road in snow, horses, people named. Granitevillebreaking...
MoreGraniteville. Brown, Buster. Fontz, Joe. Flynn, Bert. Foley, Leo. Breaking road in snow, horses, people named. Granitevillebreaking road/snow,horses,people named.
PIC 4-GRA 35:
Graniteville School. Kline, Maggie. Travis, Eva. Shand, Clyde. Andersen, Virginia. Parsons, Maude, teacher. Davidson, Lewis. Foley, Kate. Staples,...
MoreGraniteville School. Kline, Maggie. Travis, Eva. Shand, Clyde. Andersen, Virginia. Parsons, Maude, teacher. Davidson, Lewis. Foley, Kate. Staples, Dan. Shand, Alice. Foley, Dan. Andersen, Lois. Stevenson, Hazel. Stevenson, Alice. Redmayne, William. Berry, Esther. Foley, John. Waldron, Ruby. Taunt, ---. Andersen, Ina. Waldron, Estelle. Waldron, Helen. Colligan, Arthur. McLean, Eva. Foley, Murty. Page, Morris. Taunt, Ollie. 1900 people named. Graniteville School, 1900, people named. Negative #: Neg 1-G-51.
PIC 4-GRA 37:
Graniteville. Street scene, hotel w/sign, bldgs.
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