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PIC 3-CHI 1-A:

Ah Moon. Chinese, Ah Moon. Portrait, young man, North San Juan. Negative #: Neg 1-C-34. [1 related photo]
PIC 3 CHI 1-B:

Ah Moon. Chinese, Ah Moon. Portrait, older than 1-A.
PIC 3-CHI 2-A:
Chinese Altar-Hou Wong Joss House. Firehouse No. 1 Museum. Firehouse #1 Museum. Chinese Altar, b/w, Hou Wong. Negative #: Neg 1-C-40. [3 related...
MoreChinese Altar-Hou Wong Joss House. Firehouse No. 1 Museum. Firehouse #1 Museum. Chinese Altar, b/w, Hou Wong. Negative #: Neg 1-C-40. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 2-B:

Chinese Altar-Hou Wong Joss House. Firehouse No. 1 Museum. Firehouse #1 Museum b/w. Chinese Altar, b/w, Hou Wong. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 2-C:

Chinese Altar-Hou Wong Joss House. Firehouse No. 1 Museum. Firehouse #1 Museum b/w. Chinese Altar, b/w, Hou Wong. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 2-D:
Chinese Altar-Hou Wong Joss House. Firehouse No. 1 Museum. Firehouse #1 Museum b/w dated 7-13-1951. Chinese Altar, b/w, Hou Wong, dated 7-13-1951. [3...
MoreChinese Altar-Hou Wong Joss House. Firehouse No. 1 Museum. Firehouse #1 Museum b/w dated 7-13-1951. Chinese Altar, b/w, Hou Wong, dated 7-13-1951. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 3:

Chinese child? Lady?. Photo from Virginia City, unidentified. Negative #: Neg 1-C-16.
PIC 3-CHI 4:

Chinese, man. Unidentified portrait. Negative #: Neg 1-C-13 Photographer: Dowe Photo.
PIC 3-CHI 6:

Chinese man portrait. Unidentified, mature. Negative #: Neg 1-C-39.
PIC 3-CHI 7:

Ah Gin family portrait. Chinese, Ah Gin family portrait. 2 adults, 2 children, b/w. Negative #: Neg 1-C-15.
PIC 3-CHI 10-A:

Chinese, Smiley. Smily. Closeup of tombstone. Chinese, closeup of tombstone. [1 related photo]

[No associated photo or description available]. [2 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 11:

Smily. Chinese, Smiley. Ah Get. AKA Ah Get. AKA Smiley, 1926. Negative #: Neg 1-C-58/neg 1-s 8. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 11B:

Smiley. In work apron, 1926. Negative #: Neg 1-S 10. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 11C:

Smiley. 1926, North San Juan. Negative #: Neg 1-S 11. [3 related photos]
PIC 3-CHI 12:

Chinese, man, portrait. Unidentified. Negative #: Neg 1-C-35.
PIC 3-CHI 14:

Chinese, Duck Egg. Ah Chee. AKA Ah Chee, old man standing w/cane. AKA Duck Egg, old man standing w/cane. Negative #: Neg 1-C-54.
PIC 3-CHI 15:

Chinese, Duck Egg. Ah Chee. AKA Ah Chee, old man sitting w/cane, 1918. Negative #: Neg 1-C-14. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 15B:

Duck Egg. Same as 15 with name on bottom. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 16:

Chinese, Ah Fie. Chinese, Wong Lung. 4 photos, proofs?. 4 photos, proofs? Ah Fie Wong Lung. Negative #: Neg 5-C-55.
PIC 3-CHI 17:

Chinese, man. Unidentified, from glass plate. Negative #: Neg 1-c 175.
PIC 3-CHI 18-A:

Chinese, G. V. Chinatown. G.V. Chinatown buildings. Negative #: Neg 1-C-38. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 18-B:

Chinese, G. V. Chinatown. Small print of 18-A. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 19:

Chinese, John Tinloy. Tinloy, John. Formal portrait, young man. Negative #: Neg 3-P6-R-4-4. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 20:

Tinloy, Edward K.. Chinese, Edward K. Tinloy. Portrait.
PIC 3-CHI 21:

Tinloy, Patrick. Chinese, Patrick Tinloy. Portrait, student at S.F. State.
PIC 3-CHI 22:

Chinese, man. Unidentified man, Moore's Photo. Negative #: Neg 1-C-42 Photographer: Moore.
PIC 3-CHI 23:

Chinese, Bomb Day. Crowd in G.V. chinatown. Crowd in G. V. Chinatown. Negative #: Neg 1-C-41. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 23B:

Cinese Bomb Day. Crowd in Grass Valley Chinatown. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 24:
Chinese, parade float. July 4, 1922, Nevada City. Tinloy, Alice. Tinloy, Albert. 7-4-1922, Albert & Alice Tinloy riding see 41. Chinese parade float,...
MoreChinese, parade float. July 4, 1922, Nevada City. Tinloy, Alice. Tinloy, Albert. 7-4-1922, Albert & Alice Tinloy riding see 41. Chinese parade float, Tinloy's, also Neg 1-C 37. On 7-4-1922 chinese parade float. Negative #: Neg 1-C-37.
PIC 3-CHI 25-1A:

Washington. Chinese, Washington Chinatown. 1907 Chinatown & Odd Fellows Hall. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 25-1B:

Washington. Computer print of 25-1A. Negative #: Neg 1-P7-R3-3. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 25-2A:

Washington. Chinese, Washington Chinatown. 1900, view of town. 1900 view of town. Negative #: Neg 1-C-36. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 25-2B:

Washington. Chinese, Washington Chinatown. 1911, Chinatown & Odd Fellow's Hall. Negative #: Neg 1-C-36. [1 related photo]
PIC 3-CHI 25-3:

Washington. Computer print. Negative #: Neg P-6 R-3-3.
PIC 3-CHI 26:
Chinese, man. Chinese, Ah Moon. Chinese, Dr. Mow. Unidentified middle-age man. Formerly thought to be him, family says no. Mature man, NSJ merchant...
MoreChinese, man. Chinese, Ah Moon. Chinese, Dr. Mow. Unidentified middle-age man. Formerly thought to be him, family says no. Mature man, NSJ merchant. Negative #: Neg 3-P6-R4-3.
PIC 3-CHI 27:

Chinese, men. Mining, Sluicing. Working sluice with whitemen. Chinese & whitemen working together. Negative #: Neg 1-C-75.
PIC 3-CHI-28:
Chinese, portrait. Hing, Rose Mark. Hing, Ling. Unidentified woman, young man, Swart, Nevada City. Mother w/son, ID'd by Searls visitor as family...
MoreChinese, portrait. Hing, Rose Mark. Hing, Ling. Unidentified woman, young man, Swart, Nevada City. Mother w/son, ID'd by Searls visitor as family pho. Son w/mother ID'd by Searls Visitor as family phot. Negative #: Neg 2-C-16 Photographer: Swart.
PIC 3-CHI 29:

Chinese, man. Unidentified man, Moore's N.City. Photographer: Moore.
PIC 3-CHI 30:

Chinese, man. Man, unidentified, Moore's photo. Photographer: Moore.
PIC 3-CHI 31:

Chinese, man. Man with hat, unidentified, Moore's photo. Photographer: Moore.
PIC 3-CHI 32:

Chinese, man. Thin man, unidentified, Moore's photo. Photographer: Moore.
PIC 3-CHI 33:

Chinese, mining. Mining, placer. Placer mining with anglos. Chinese & anglos w/sluice.
PIC 3-CHI 34:

Chinese, 3 women. Telephone. Washington telephone operators. 3 women, Washington telephone operators. Negative #: Neg 1-W 23.
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