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PIC 2-A 1:
Nevada City. Union Hotel (3 story). Trinity Episcopal Church. Marsh, Charles house. Deer Creek Inn. Firehouse No. 1. Courthouse, 1898. Washington...
MoreNevada City. Union Hotel (3 story). Trinity Episcopal Church. Marsh, Charles house. Deer Creek Inn. Firehouse No. 1. Courthouse, 1898. Washington School, N.C.. National Exchange Hotel & Annex. Nevada St.. Main St., N.C.. Broad St.. Sacramento St.. N. City overview from Prospect Hill pre 1898.
PIC 2-A 2:

Nevada City Elementary School. Appears to be new building, 1937. Negative #: Neg 2-W 4.
PIC 2-A 3:

Pine St. Bridge. Not suspension, in snow.
PIC 2-A 4:

Washington School, N.C.. "destroyed, 1936", building, kids in yard.
PIC 2-A 5-1:

Bowman Lake. Scene, snow on mountains around.
PIC 2-A 5-2:

Bowman Lake ?. Same page as 5-1, not labeled.
PIC 2-A 6:
Miner's Day of Rest. Nahl, Charles Christian. Pic of drawing by Charles Christian Nahl. Pic of drawing titled "The Miner's Day of Rest". Negative #:...
MoreMiner's Day of Rest. Nahl, Charles Christian. Pic of drawing by Charles Christian Nahl. Pic of drawing titled "The Miner's Day of Rest". Negative #: Neg 1-P 3.
PIC 2-A 6-2:

Spanish American War. 8th CA Infantry, Ft. Vancouver, snow.
PIC 2-A 6-4:

Spanish American War. Parade grounds, Ft. Vancouver.
PIC 2-A 6-5:

Spanish American War. 8th CA Infantry, Ft. Vancouver, around building.
PIC 2-A 6-6:

Spanish American War. Men, stacked rifles, tents, Ft. Vancouver.
PIC 2-A 6-7:

Spanish American War. Same as PIC 1-C 37, PIC 2-A 6-8.
PIC 2-A 6-8:

Spanish American War. Same as PIC 1-C 37, PIC 2-A 6-7,.
PIC 2-A 6-12:

Spanish American War. Grant, Ulysses S., General. General Grant's Old Quarters, Ft. Vancouver?.
PIC 2-A 6-13:

Spanish American War. 8th CA Infantry rifle practice.
PIC 2-A 7:

Bridgeport Covered Bridge. Mathis, George. George Mathis print of covered bridge. "Bridgeport Covered Bridge".
PIC 2-A 11:

West's Hotel. Mathis, George. Print by George Mathis w/information. Print of West's Hotel w/information.
PIC 2-A 14:
Water company building. Mathis, George. North San Juan. North San Juan, print by George Mathis. Print of North San Juan water company building. Water...
MoreWater company building. Mathis, George. North San Juan. North San Juan, print by George Mathis. Print of North San Juan water company building. Water co. bldg print by George Mathis.
PIC 2-A 15:

I.O.O.F., Bldg., Rough & Ready. Mathis, George. Print by George Mathis. I.O.O.F. Hall print by George Mathis. Print, I.O.O.F. Hall, Rough & Ready.
PIC 2-A 17:
Baseball. Beckley, George. Morgan, Alvah. O'Connor, Claire. Spargo, William S.. Fleming, Fenton (Bob). Hooper, Stubby. Noack, Earl ?. Leiter, Lee...
MoreBaseball. Beckley, George. Morgan, Alvah. O'Connor, Claire. Spargo, William S.. Fleming, Fenton (Bob). Hooper, Stubby. Noack, Earl ?. Leiter, Lee. Smith, Frank, Jr.. Hocking, Ernest. Ballistero, Dick. O'Connor, Charley. Nevada City Baseball Team, undated. Group pic, Nevada Baseball team, undated. [1 related photo]

[No associated photo or description available]. [2 related photos]
PIC 2-A 17B:

Baseball. Nevadas Baseball team, from Foley's print. [1 related photo]
PIC 2-A 18:

NCNGRR, Engine #5. Engine #5, newspaper print w/ladies in 1900's dres.
PIC 2-A 19:
Quartz Mine Skeleton Model. Badger Shaft. Moose Shaft. Chief Joseph. Mill View. Plaintiff's Exhibit-unidentified. Label visible on Quartz Mine...
MoreQuartz Mine Skeleton Model. Badger Shaft. Moose Shaft. Chief Joseph. Mill View. Plaintiff's Exhibit-unidentified. Label visible on Quartz Mine Skeleton Model.
PIC 2-A 20:
Monument, quartz gold discovery site. Gold Hill Marker. Quartz gold discovery monument. Original site of monument?. Looks like original site...
MoreMonument, quartz gold discovery site. Gold Hill Marker. Quartz gold discovery monument. Original site of monument?. Looks like original site. Negative #: Neg 4-158 Photographer: Tyler.
PIC 2-A 21:

Sierra Buttes. Print/christmas card w/dogs in foreground.
PIC 2-A 22-1:
Nevada County Historical Society. Gates, Bob. Hefelfinger, Isabel. Rozynski, Roman. Gentili, Marguerite. Dudley, Louise. Meeting 2-7-1974. NCHS...
MoreNevada County Historical Society. Gates, Bob. Hefelfinger, Isabel. Rozynski, Roman. Gentili, Marguerite. Dudley, Louise. Meeting 2-7-1974. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-2:

Nevada County Historical Society. Rozynski, Roman. Dunbar, Fay. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-3:

Nevada County Historical Society. Rozynski, Roman. Dunbar, Fay. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-4:

Nevada County Historical Society. Dunbar, Fay. Martin, Haven, Rev.. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-5:

Stevens, Elmer. Dunbar, Fay. Nevada County Historical Society. NCHS meeting 12-73.
PIC 2-A 22-6:

Dunbar, Fay. Nevada County Historical Society. NCHS meeting 12-73.
PIC 2-A 22-7:

Nevada County Historical Society. Stevens, Elmer. Dunbar, Fay. Martin, Haven, Rev.. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-8:

Pengelly, Lea. Baer, Connie. Jones, Glenn. Dunbar, Fay. Hartung, Esther. Nevada County Historical Society. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-9:

Dunbar, Fay. Rozynski, Roman. Nevada County Historical Society. NCHS installation 12-1973.
PIC 2-A 22-10:

Nevada County Historical Society. Jones, Glenn. Dunbar, Fay. Hartung, Esther. Berg, Hjalmer. Hattox, Robert. NCHS installation 12-1973.
PIC 2-A 22-11:

Nevada County Historical Society. NCHS installation 12-1973. [1 related photo]
PIC 2-A 22-12:

Nevada County Historical Society. Gates, Robert. Hefelfinger, Isabel. Rozynski, Roman. Gentili, Marguerite. NCHS installation 12-1973.
PIC 2-A 22-13:

Nevada County Historical Society. Hansen, Arlie. Clark, Marie. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-15:

Gentili, Marguerite. Berg, Hjalmer. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-16:

Nevada County Historical Society. Gates, Bob. Kilroy, Elza. Barber, Steve. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
PIC 2-A 22-17:
Nevada County Historical Society. Gentili, Marie. Hansen, Arlie. Mell, Chet. Gates, Bob. Foley, Doris. Dunbar, Fay. Hefelfinger, Isabel. NCHS meeting...
MoreNevada County Historical Society. Gentili, Marie. Hansen, Arlie. Mell, Chet. Gates, Bob. Foley, Doris. Dunbar, Fay. Hefelfinger, Isabel. NCHS meeting 2-7-1974.
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