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Building, unidentified. Shack? With large oak tree. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Building, unidentified. Shack? With large oak tree. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Kennedy Mine, Sutter County. Scene of trees, hills. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Kennedy Mine, Sutter County. Similar to 05. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Kennedy Mine, Sutter County. 3 story building on hill. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Pilot Hill. House with stage, horses, appears near new. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Pine St. Bridge. Over Deer Creek, grafitti on rocks in foreground. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Malakoff, scene. View of mine from dirt road. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Malakoff. Hydraulicked hillside. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Building, unidentified. Large, demolition or construction?. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Ore cars. Ore cars, debris in field. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

July 4, Nevada City. Parade, Nevada City. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

July 4, Nevada City. Union Ice Co.. Plaza. Parade, Union Ice Co., Nevada City. Photographer: Official Photo Co.

Scotia Mine. Mine yard, headframe etc. Negative #: Neg 1-S 33 Photographer: Official Photo Co.
GP-OP 15:

Dobbins, Dr.. Mill St., G.V.. Dr. Dobbins, dentist sign, Mill St., 1892. Snow scene, 1892. Photographer: Official Photo.
GP-OP 16:

Neal St., 318. Coleman, Ed. Yard, fountain, snow, 1892. 318 Neal, yard, fountain, snow, 1892. Photographer: Official Photo.
GP-OP 17:
Church St., G.V.. Methodist Church, G.V.. View, dirt road, old Methodist Church steeple,1892. Old church steeple, dirt road, 1892. Photographer:...
MoreChurch St., G.V.. Methodist Church, G.V.. View, dirt road, old Methodist Church steeple,1892. Old church steeple, dirt road, 1892. Photographer: Official Photo.